links for 2009-03-16
"A friend of mine has come up with an idea to stem the tide of bile. He wants people to post, as a comment, on as many opinion-garnering web pages as possible, as often as they can be bothered, the phrase: "It just goes to show you can't be too careful!"
It's perfect; it seems lighthearted without being a joke. It's vaguely pertinent to almost any subject without meaning a thing. It's the ideal oil for the internet's troubled waters.
I invite you all to join me in doing this. Let's drown out the screeching with this peaceful, bland, meaningless psalm to not being constantly consulted."
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
it just goes to show you can’t be too careful!! 😀
this reminds me of my favorite caption for every new yorker cartoon:
“God, what an asshole.”
Is registering for all the random blogs worth the effort of not contributing anything?
It just goes to show you can’t be too careful! (Yes you learn this the hard way).